SCIP implementation by ECHA
Minerals mined from areas of conflict like the Republic of Congo. These minerals must be avoided in every downstream and upstream manufacturing company. There are four minerals codified in the US Conflict Minerals Law and are commonly termed as 3TG. Tantalum, Tine, Tungsten and Gold. According to the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, companies have to submit an annual conflict minerals report to the SEC.

Why you need to comply with SCIP database?
Minimize the presence of harmful substances in materials and products, even when using recycled materials.
Replace Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) with safer alternatives.
Enhance the knowledge accessible to waste operators regarding the management of end-of-life (EOL) products entering waste streams.
Empower authorities to effectively monitor the utilization of hazardous substances in articles.
SCIP Vs REACH compliance
The purpose of SCIP database is to collect and disseminate information about hazardous substances in articles, encouraging waste management, promoting recycling, regarding the products entering the EU.
The REACH regulation aims to protect human health and the environment by promoting the safe use and management of chemical substances, improving information sharing, and fostering innovation in the EU chemicals industry.
Getting ready for SCIP
Recognize the presence of substances from the Candidates List in your articles.
Evaluate the availability of data and identify articles with information gaps.
Gather the relevant information from your suppliers based outside the EU.
The obligation applies to a wide range of articles available on the EU market. It includes articles that contain substances of very high concern listed on the Candidate List, with a concentration exceeding 0.1% w/w. This requirement encompasses articles in their original form or as part of a complex object, including spare parts. Additionally, the obligation extends to imported articles, considering imports as equivalent to “placing on the market.” Therefore, any article imported into the EU, including those sold online, falls within the scope of this obligation.
The obligation primarily applies to various actors involved in placing products on the EU market. This includes EU producers, assemblers, importers, distributors, and other relevant entities.
Retailers who sell products directly to consumers without making any modifications are not required to comply with SCIP obligations. However, non-EU companies that would typically be exempt from SCIP requirements are obligated to provide the necessary information and assist their importers in making SCIP submissions. Furthermore, if a company has an account with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) as a “Foreign user,” they have the option to directly submit information to the SCIP database.
The SCIP dossier is created by responsible parties and submitted to ECHA to report the presence of substances of very high concern (SVHC) in their products at concentrations above 0.1% w/w.
To complete a SCIP submission, every company must have an active ECHA account and subscribe to the IUCLID Cloud service and ECHA submission portal.